speaker . business coach . marketing strategist . author

Hi! I'm Stacey Hylen,

the premier coach for ambitious high achievers who want it to add a zero and scale without the hustle.

This has been a intentional part of my own business and lifestyle design for over twenty years, allowing me to meet the school bus, support my daughters passions (national level gymnastics and acting), take 10-12 weeks off per year, build our dream lake house on Lake Winnipesaukee to create family memories for generations to come, seeing my girls faces as they experience the Instagram beauty of the Alps, their first castle and the Amalfi coast take away their breath in real life, and still have a prosperous business.

The main reason integrating Lifestyle Design with creating an abundant profitable business is a passion and a true calling for me is that when I was in my mid twenties, my dad died at the age of 56.

He was my mentor and an inspiration to me and many people he helped and had a standing room only funeral but although he was able to hit a high level of financial success he died with many personal regrets, he was a workaholic and hadn’t spent the time he wanted with his family and never did any of his bucket list experiences.

His death hit me hard and I decided to use his example of what not to do as a lesson. My mission is to give entrepreneurs back to their families. I believe you can have financial success and a lifestyle designed around who and what you love.

Some of my proudest accomplishments have been when clients grew a seven or eight figure business and even more importantly took their first family vacation to Disney, had a spur of the moment father- daughter mental health trip, took Friday afternoons off to do Taekwondo with their son, enjoyed hiking midweek, played golf weekly, and worked out most days.

I want this Abundant Freedom Lifestyle Design for you too.


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More Clients & Cash

Want More Clients & Cash Quickly Without Spending More Money On Marketing & Advertising?

Get the PROVEN 5 Steps to more clients & cash!

Includes checklist and 5 video modules showing you:

  • How to get high-end clients

  • Quick cash boosters (that are free)

  • What to do with your marketing so you don't have feast or famine cycle in your business & more..

If you want to double your sales,

you don't need to hustle or work 10X's harder:

you need to OPTIMIZE

I will help you optimize your:




Stacey Hylen

Stacey Hylen

Business Optimizer


You probably started your business so you can create financial abundance and more freedom in your life but soon found out that that isn't as easy as it sounds.  Many entrepreneurs struggle in this feast or famine rollercoaster for years but you CAN grow your business without working 24/7.

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Back to School Reading List for Business Owners

November 01, 20243 min read

Back to School Reading List for Business Owners


Did you think when you were in school that you couldn’t wait to stop studying all the time? Well, if you are a business owner the learning and studying should be a part of your daily routine. Here are some great books to help you grow yourself and your business.

The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield You may think from the title that this is just for artists, but this book is a kick in the butt for anyone who struggles with Resistance. You know the little fearful voice that says,” Do it tomorrow, it isn’t ready to release yet, why should anyone listen to me…. ” I keep this one on my desk and open it to a random page when I need a kick to get going. I am writing a book right now, so this is a great tool to keep me motivated. Steven also just wrote a follow up book on this theme, Do the Work, that is very good too.

Outrageous Advertising that’s Outrageously Successful by Bill Glazer I have been a big fan of Bill Glazer for a long time. He is a marketing genius and in this book he gives real examples of successful advertising campaigns. This book is FULL ads and how to use the concepts behind them for your own business. You cannot read this book and not come away with an idea to put into action for your business.

Sticking Point Solution by Jay Abraham. My mom almost killed my dad for spending over $10,000 to become a Jay Abraham protege in the 80’s. I was lucky enough to get all of the materials from that course and still have all of the cassette tapes which I can’t get myself to part with. This book gives practical solutions to grow your business for tough economic times. Truth is, it is possible to grow your business in this economy, he gives some great examples of how you can do it with actionable steps to take.

Stop Saying You’re Fine; The No BS Guide to Getting What You Want by Mel Robbins I am a sucker for books that kick my butt or help me overcome my buts. This book is full of great tips to help you get out of your own way. Her chapter on stop hitting the snooze button is worth the whole price of the book.

The E Myth by Michael Gerber: This is a MUST for every business owner. It will convince you why you need to work ON your business not IN it. Most business owners are spending the majority of their time working in their businesses DOING stuff instead of working ON the business to improve it. It will also help you see what kind of business you have created for yourself, a business or just a job with a crazy boss.

Let me know how you like these selections and any others that you would suggest for the next list.

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