little girl

Solutions for Sleepless Nights: Energy Boosts for Entrepreneurs

October 01, 20242 min read

Solutions for Sleepless Nights: Energy Boosts for Entrepreneurs

little girl

Being an entrepreneur can lead to sleepless nights, launches, projects that must be done, a brain that won’t stop thinking…if you throw some kids into that mix, I am sure you can relate to sleepless nights and not being able to call in sick.

Lately my five year old has been waking me up because she had a nightmare. Unfortunately after I get her back to sleep (usually in less than 3 min)  my brain thinks it is morning and will not turn off.

Sometimes I write down all of the brilliant 3am ideas so I won’t forget them or even get out of bed to work, but when the morning comes my butt is dragging.

Here are some steps I take to amp up my energy and be productive despite being tired.

  1. Don’t let it be an excuse to have a bad day!  Tell yourself you are going to have a great day and get into action.

  2. Crank up the tunes!!! I put on Katy Perry’s ROAR and dance and sing at the top of my lungs, this puts me right into peak state and I feel great.

  3. Motivate- if you need some outside motivation, grab your favorite motivational book, watch a kick butt video on YouTube, read a page in Steven Pressfield’s book, War of Art and then get going.

  4. MOVE it: Don’t cancel your workout. You will only feel even more lethargic. If you can’t do your regular workout, do a mini workout, just enough to work up a sweat and get your endorphins to kick in and feel great. After a sleepless night or two, I do a mini yoga session, abs and some squats and lunges.

  5. Dress for how you want to feel. Yes ladies, that means NO YOGA PANTS!  Put on something that you feel awesome in and put on your makeup!

  6. Watch your Fuel; Stay away from sugar, empty carbs and sports drink that will make you crash.  Eat something healthy that will give you energy; a green drink, a protein shake, or my fave, protein pancakes.

  7. Look at your goals and do the most important thing first.  Take action and get some momentum going.

I know these tips work so put them into action. Share below what your favorite motivational book or state changing song is to get you going.

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