7 Signs Your Website is like a Pair of Mom Jeans
7 Signs Your Website is like a Pair of Mom Jeans

Truth be told, there is nothing wrong with mom jeans. They are perfectly good piece of clothing–covering all the essentials–which is what clothes are for. The problem is that although mom jeans were popular and “in-style” a decade or more ago, now they are not doing you any favors. They make you look older, frumpier, outdated and even heavier (and no one wants that!)
Your website may be the online equivalent of mom jeans–it was good years ago and covers the bases. You checked “build a website” off your to-do list and moved on to the next thing.
Well just like friends don’t let friends wear mom jeans, I can let you broadcast the online equivalent in 2011.
Here are some signs you might need an update:
Designed before 2008
No new content in the last month
It’s basically an online brochure
You’re not consistently getting and converting leads.
Your copy was written by someone without direct response marketing and copywriting expertise.
Not incorporating social media
You have website shame
Your website needs to be changed and updated frequently. Having a blog and social media plug-ins are 2 simple ways to do this on your site. Leads should be coming in consistently and have a clear action step to take to move them into your marketing funnel. The copy on your website should be professionally done by someone with direct response marketing and copywriting expertise. This will increase your conversion and opt-ins on your site.
Have you answered yes to even one of these questions but you are overwhelmed with even the thought of making-over your website and don’t know what to do? Then invest in the Extreme Website Makeover. This comprehensive website audit will give you a clear idea of exactly what you need to do to improve your site. You’ll know how to get more leads, more conversions and how to have your website get you more clients. Everything is outlined for you and all internet marketing terms are explained in plain English. You can get it here.