Are You Being Lifted Up or Dragged Down?

Are You Being Lifted Up or Dragged Down?

Are You Being Lifted Up or Dragged Down?Stacey Hylen
Published on: 08/11/2024

If you have big goals and are taking action to make them a reality but you are not surrounding yourself with the right people you may find yourself stalled without knowing why and not reaching your goals as quickly as you could have. Jim Rohn , the modern philosopher said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” this can be a scary thought for some people. This summer at the lake I had a good reminder of this and how important it can be. We had an amazing weekend of fun at the cottage and afterwards I reflected on why it was so fun. I realized it was because we had another family visit us that was a fun loving active group. Instead of sitting there waiting to swim or for the weather to be exactly right, we spent almost the whole weekend either on the boat or in the water. As a result I swam more that weekend than usual, which is great because I LOVE to swim and be in the water as much as possible. I realized that when we have guests that aren’t big swimmers I spend most of my weekend on the dock or sitting in the boat. When I am with this friend, we go running, rollerblading, swimming, and I have even been convinced to sign up for a class of adult gymnastics ( that is a whole other blog post!). It is definitely a friendship that has a lot of positive energy and fits in with my goals of being fit and spending lots of fun time with my family. But we all have had the opposite experience as well, spending time with people who drag us down with gossip, complaining, and lots of negative energy. After spending time with these people you feel worse. So how about you? Are the people that you spend time with supporting your success? Here are some areas to look at: Family Friends And in your business: Employees Clients Business Relationships Networking Groups Mastermind Groups Events or conferences that you attend Once you take a look at this list and evaluate if they are lifting you up or dragging you down, you may have some changes to make especially if you are someone who seriously invests time, energy and money into your personal growth and business development. You may have outgrown the relationships that served you before and need to redefine the relationship and how much time you spend with that person and set strong boundaries in place of how you interact with this person. It is important to surround yourself with people who not only have big goals like you but are also action takers. A few years ago I had a referral partner who sent me coaching clients that all had been to a certain seminar, the common denominator with all of these clients was that they had super big and often extremely unrealistic goals and did not take action. So I chose to decline taking on any more of these clients since they were not a good fit for me. The reason this is so important is that if you are hanging out in the wrong people you may find yourself holding yourself back and unable to fully express yourself and live up to the amazing potential that you have. My favorite quote from Marianne Williamson that I have printed out and framed on my desk sums it up. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing to be enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not some of us. It’s everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. No more surrounding yourself with people who drag you down. Stop playing small to make others feel better and get out there and live up to your full potential.

Three Types of Questions to Ask to Boost Your Sales

Three Types of Questions to Ask to Boost Your Sales

Three Types of Questions to Ask to Boost Your SalesStacey Hylen
Published on: 01/11/2024

One thing I learned when working for Tony Robbins that improves everything How to increase trust with your prospects so they buy Questions that lead prospects to the sale without being pushy

7 Signs Your Website is like a Pair of Mom Jeans

7 Signs Your Website is like a Pair of Mom Jeans

7 Signs Your Website is like a Pair of Mom JeansStacey Hylen
Published on: 29/10/2024

Truth be told, there is nothing wrong with mom jeans. They are perfectly good piece of clothing–covering all the essentials–which is what clothes are for. The problem is that although mom jeans were popular and “in-style” a decade or more ago, now they are not doing you any favors. They make you look older, frumpier, outdated and even heavier (and no one wants that!) Your website may be the online equivalent of mom jeans–it was good years ago and covers the bases. You checked “build a website” off your to-do list and moved on to the next thing. Well just like friends don’t let friends wear mom jeans, I can let you broadcast the online equivalent in 2011. Here are some signs you might need an update: Designed before 2008 No new content in the last month It’s basically an online brochure You’re not consistently getting and converting leads. Your copy was written by someone without direct response marketing and copywriting expertise. Not incorporating social media You have website shame Your website needs to be changed and updated frequently. Having a blog and social media plug-ins are 2 simple ways to do this on your site. Leads should be coming in consistently and have a clear action step to take to move them into your marketing funnel. The copy on your website should be professionally done by someone with direct response marketing and copywriting expertise. This will increase your conversion and opt-ins on your site. Have you answered yes to even one of these questions but you are overwhelmed with even the thought of making-over your website and don’t know what to do? Then invest in the Extreme Website Makeover. This comprehensive website audit will give you a clear idea of exactly what you need to do to improve your site. You’ll know how to get more leads, more conversions and how to have your website get you more clients. Everything is outlined for you and all internet marketing terms are explained in plain English. You can get it here.

Reuse, Re-purpose, Recycle

Reuse, Re-purpose, Recycle

Reuse, Re-purpose, RecycleStacey Hylen
Published on: 29/10/2024

One of the things I am always looking for in my client’s businesses is how they can get more leverage and get more out of less in their business. You should regularly look at what existing content or resources that you can reuse, re-purpose and recycle so that you get more than one use out of everything you do. This week I did a webinar on How to Get Through the Gatekeeper and Reach the decision Maker More Quickly. It is a lot of work to create new content and a PowerPoint so I used the key points from my presentation in a blog post. Here are some places to look in your own business to leverage your content: Blog posts can be used to create short snippets for tweets and Facebook and Linked In updates to drive traffic to your blog. Speeches can be used for content for videos, blog posts or newsletters. Old products can be used for bonuses or incentives with a new product or service. Excerpts from books or audios can be used for giveaways in exchange for an opt in to your website. Articles and videos can be submitted to article directories like Videos can be submitted to video syndication sites like for more widespread distribution than you would get on your own site. Photos can be used to generate engagement on Social Media sites. Your business may have some of these or all of these. Schedule a time to look at how you can leverage your existing content and resources. Then going forward whenever you create new content make a plan for using it in multiple ways.
